Research Reports


Kochupillai, M.*, J. Köninger, N. Kopytko, G. Radick and P. Rao. 2019. Incentivizing and Promoting Sustainable Seed Innovations in India: A Three-Pronged Approach. Report for the Government of India (Research funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund, UK). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12670.74568/1

Kochupillai, M. 2009. Engineering a More Innovative Environment in India: An Analysis of the Protection and Utilization of Public Funded Intellectual Property Bill. Report for the International Technology Transfer Institute, University of New Hampshire (Research funded by the International Technology Transfer Institute, Concord, NH, USA).

Basheer, S and M. Kochupillai. 2005. The ‘Compulsory License’ Regime in India: Past, Present and Future“. Report for the Japanese Patent Office (Research funded by the Japanese Patent Office).