Books and Chapters


Kochupillai, M. 2016. Promoting Sustainable Innovations in Plant Varieties Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Nature.

A Review of the book “Promoting Sustainable Innovation in Plant Varieties” was published by Graham Dutfield in: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Volume 70, August 2018, Pages 36-38.

Kochupillai, M.* and J. Köninger. 2022. “Cast into the Stones of International Law: A Critique of the UPOV Standards in the light of Scientific Insights and Policy Shifts Towards Agroecology and Natural Farming.” In Metzger and H.G Ruse-Khan Eds. Intellectual Property Ordering Beyond Borders. Forthcoming with Cambridge University Press.

Kochupillai, M.* and J. Köninger. 2022. “Creating a Digital Marketplace for Agrobiodiversity and Plant Genetic Sequence Data: Legal and Ethical Considerations of an AI and Blockchain Based Solution.” In H. Williamson and S. Leonelli Eds. Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Global Challenges for Food Security and Governance. Forthcoming with Springer Nature.

Brinkmann, J. and M. Kochupillai. 2020. “Law, Business and Legitimacy” In J. D. Rendtorff Ed., Handbook of Business Legitimacy: Responsibility, Ethics and Society. Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Kochupillai, M. 2019. “Is UPOV 1991 a Good Fit for Developing Countries?” In J. Drexl and A.K. Sanders Eds. The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Kochupillai, M. 2011. “Patent Enforcement in India.” In R.M. Hilty and K-C. Liu Eds. The Enforcement of Patents: Comparing Asian, European and American Experiences. Wolters Kluwer International.