Journal and Magazine


Kochupillai M.*, M. Kahl, M. Schmitt, H. Taubenböck, X. Zhu (2022). Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence: Understanding Emerging Ethical Issues and Opportunities. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 2022 (Accepted, forthcoming)

Kochupillai M. (2021) Outline of a Novel Approach for Identifying Ethical Issues in Early Stages of AI4EO Research, Conference paper for the IEEE’s International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 2021.

Köninger J., E. Lugato, P. Panagos, Kochupillai, A. Orgiazzi, M.J.I. Briones (2021). Manure Management and Soil Biodiversity: Towards More Sustainable Food Systems in the EU. Agricultural Systems, 194, pp. 103251

– Kochupillai M.*, U. Gallersdörfer, J. Köninger and R. Beck. 2021. Incentivizing Research and Innovation with Agrobiodiversity Conserved In Situ: Possibilities and Limitations of a Blockchain Based Solution. Journal of Cleaner Production 309 (2021) 127155.

Kochupillai M.*, C. Lütge and F. Poszler. 2020. Programming Away Human Rights and Responsibilities? The Moral Machine Experiment and the Need for a More Humane AVs Future. Nanoethics 14:285-299.

Kochupillai M. 2013. ‘The Parental Lines Case’. IIC – International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 44 (3): 369-379. doi:10.1007/s40319-013-0036-3.

Kochupillai M. 2011 The Indian Plant Variety Protection Law: Historical and Implementation Perspectives. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 16 (2): 88-101.

Kochupillai M. 2010 The Protection and Utilization of Public Funded Intellectual Property Bill, 2008: A Critique in the Light of India’s Innovation Environment. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 15 (1): 19-34. http://nopr.niscair.res.inbitstream/123456789/7196/1/JIPR%2015%281%29%2019-34.pdf

Basheer S. and Kochupillai. 2009. TRIPS, Patents and Parallel Imports: A Proposal for Amendment. Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law 2: 63-86.

Smith M.A*, M. Couste, T. Hield, R. Jarvis, Kochupillai, B. Leon, J.C. Rasser, M. Sakamoto, A. Shaughnessy, and J. Branch. 2006. Arbitration of Patent Infringement and Validity Issues Worldwide. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 19 (2): 299-357.


Kochupillai, M. 2020. “Blockchain for Equitable and Sustainable Agriculture: What is Blockchain, its Benefits and Common Uses.” EuropeanSeed (April 2020)

Kochupillai, M. 2020. “Blockchain for Biodiversity: The Benefits for the Environment and for Farmers.” EuropeanSeed (April 2020)

Kochupillai, M. and G. Radick. 2019. “A Wake Up Call on Propreitary Seeds.” (Opinion-Editorial). The Hindu (Indian National Newspaper)